Simplify the Immigration Process with LegaMart, Where Lawyers Stay Ahead of the Curve

Get access to the best immigration lawyers in the market, available to assist you anytime, anywhere.

LegaMart in Numbers

Licensed Lawyers
Monthly inqiries

Our Legal Professionals

More than +2000 lawyers in 200 countries


LegaMart Benefits

Over 2,000 customers have already found their international lawyer online via LegaMart

Seamless Matching

LegaMart’s smart algorithm quickly and accurately matches you with the best fit-in lawyer for your case.

Global Reach

LegaMart’s services are available in more than 100 countries and all spoken languages.

Peace of Mind

LegaMart’s team of experts provide you with the best legal advice and help you get the best legal outcome

Global Coverage

With more than 2000 lawyers and legal service providers in over 100 countries.

How it Works?

Request Submission

That legal headache you’ve got overseas isn’t going away, is it? No worries. We get your back. Just fill us in with the details, submit your request, and get your tracking code. It takes less than 2 minutes.

Request Review

Ding! We’ve got your request. It’ll take us less than 48 hours to review and analyze your request. We’ll get in touch and give you a clear path forward. We’ll find you the lawyer you need based on your case.

Best-fit Recommended Solution

Depending on your needs, we recommend one of our solutions and services. We're here to help you towards finding the right fit for your legal needs. You can review our services from here.

Pick & Hire Your Lawyer

If you want to, we’ll propose the lawyers best suited to your case needs and you can have your pick. Choose the lawyer you want and need, in any location and price range.We’ve got a 100% refund policy, and are insured by Hiscox up to 1,000,000 Pounds.

We Operate Everywhere

By selecting each subcategory, we will filter related articles for you.


United Kingdom












South Africa






United States





How to Become a Successful International Lawyer ?

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List of Service and Solutions

By selecting each subcategory, we will filter related articles for you.

IP Lawyer

Protection of intellectual property, Copyrights, Trademark, Trade secrets, Licensing and unfair competition

Startup Lawyer

Get help with incorporation to seed funding documents and beyond with a startup lawyer.

Franchise Lawyer

Avoid disputes, terminations and breaches by working with a franchise lawyer.

Contract Lawyer

Water-tight, reliable contracts drafted by a contract lawyer.

Corporate Lawyer

reliable corporate solicitor to take care of your company legal issue .

Estate Planning

From drafting a Will to the distribution of assets from a deceased estate, our lawyers are here to help.

Commercial Lawyer

Get help with all your commercial legal needs from structuring, contracts or buying and selling a business or property.

Business Lawyer

Set up a strong legal infrastructure to avoid disputes, lawsuits or liability issues. We’ll help you find the most suitable business lawyer for your specific needs.

Trusted By +400 Clients

Don’t take our words for it! Rated 4.5 out of 5 on



It has been my first journey with LegaMart and I am very satisfied! The support was very quick and helpful responding to my questions. recommend to join!


Hussain Dholkawala

Very good platform, I was connected with a client for advising. Their staff ensure that both parties can coordinate properly considering a different time zone.



Excellent service. Professional service providers! LegaMart connected me to an experienced Canadian lawyer in a tender process for an advisory request.



I am from the united states and LegaMart helped me find a trusted lawyer in Nigeria. without LegaMart I don’t know how much it could’ve cost me to pursue my legal case in another country

Frequently Asked Questions

We carefully screen our legal professionals through rigorous background checks, peer reviews, and performance evaluations.

LegaMart operates under a fee-sharing model, where our lawyers earn a percentage of the fees charged to clients.

LegaMart complies with the highest standards of data privacy and security, ensuring that all communication between lawyers and clients is encrypted and confidential.