Are you a legal professional? Earn more by joining LegaMart

لگامارت هي منصة دولية لتطوير رحلتك المهنية عبر العالم الافتراضيل.

Why Legamart

lawyers all around the world
LegaMart is the place you can practice globally
visitors per month
Via LegaMart community and our blog, people seek for their problems
legal fields
Including new fields such as sports law, legal tech, etc.

What does Legamart offer you?

Your profile; Your vitrine!

Set your price, available times, resume, to present yourself

LegaMart blog; Share Your Experiences & Thoughts

Write in our blog, for improvement of your own digital footprint

LegaTalents; Learn & Teach

Expert in something? Teach us!
Want to be an expert in something? Come to us!

LegaCommunity; Reply & Present Yourself

Hunt your clients there! People these days share and ask their issues online

Some of Our lawyers

Mohammed Dilshad

Practice Areas

Arbitration and Dispute Resolution +11

Wajdi Hamza

Practice Areas

Arbitration and Dispute Resolution +7

Majed Fadhul

Practice Areas

Aviation Law +18

Ayham A. Othman

Practice Areas

Commercial and Business Law +8

Rwan Alaradi

Practice Areas

Commercial and Business Law +1

Hamza Haddad

Practice Areas

Arbitration and Dispute Resolution +1

Some of Our lawyers​

Mohammed Dilshad

Practice Areas

Arbitration and Dispute Resolution +11

Wajdi Hamza

Practice Areas

Arbitration and Dispute Resolution +7

Majed Fadhul

Practice Areas

Aviation Law +18

Ayham A. Othman

Practice Areas

Commercial and Business Law +8

Rwan Alaradi

Practice Areas

Commercial and Business Law +1

Hamza Haddad

Practice Areas

Arbitration and Dispute Resolution +1

Increase your reach and work with clients all over the world by joining LegaMart,
هي منصة دولية لتطوير حياتك المهنية عبر الإنترنت LegaMart

Complying with The Data Protection Act and GDPR ready.
LegaMart's business is insured with Hiscox.
Security is our promise
Proud to be a member of London Chamber of Commerce and Industry
LegaMart is recognized by
UK legal tech associations

LegaMart, as a global legal platform, aims at creating an online platform for direct interactions between lawyers and clients in every jurisdiction. By providing a wide range of necessary legal services, from translation and case reviews to advisories and advocacies, we have all the legal solutions you need.